Experts believe that the Chiropractic Care Market will reach a market value of $16.9 billion by 2027. What is the cause for such popularity? If you go in for a chiropractic adjustment, you might just find out.
Maybe people praise the services they receive at chiropractic care clinics. But not everyone needs a chiropractic adjustment. Read the four signs below to see if you need such a chiropractic adjustment.
What Is a Chiropractor?
So why are all these people putting “chiropractor near me” into their favorite search engines? What’s the big deal about these so-called healthcare professionals?
Well, the number of adults that have complained of lower back pain has increased over the past few years. And chiropractors treat mild to intense back pain. So it’s pretty easy to see where these numbers are coming from.
Target Area
To be more specific, chiropractors target a patient’s neuromusculoskeletal system. This is the area that includes the nerves, bones, tendons, muscles, and ligaments. A chiropractor targets the pain that a patient feels in these areas.
What They Do
Parts of chiropractic care include manual adjustments of the spine. These treatments reportedly improve the neuromusculoskeletal system’s ability to perform. When this happens, the patient may experience less pain.
But chiropractors don’t just heal their patients through manual adjustments. They also teach their patients about good nutrition and exercise. If patients focus on these areas, they should experience less pain.
What Is a Chiropractic Adjustment?
You may have chiropractors in movies or TV shows. In scenes that feature these professionals, they’re often shown pushing and pulling characters’ bodies. To some degree, this is what a chiropractic adjustment might look like.
Of course, TV shows and movies often exaggerate these treatments for laughs. So don’t expect them to be quite that scary.
Alignment Process
A chiropractic alignment is the same thing as a manual adjustment. During a chiropractic adjustment (aka a spinal adjustment or joint adjustment), a chiropractor attempts to manipulate the joints in your body.
To do this, they use their hands or a small instrument. With these, they apply sudden, controlled forces to spinal joints. Reportedly, this can reduce pain, improve spinal motion, and improve how a body functions.
Four Signs You Need a Chiropractic Alignment
Do you have severe to intense back pain? You are in need of a chiropractor. If you need a chiropractor in Fort Lauderdale, FL area we can help, otherwise you should type “chiropractor near me” into your favorite search engine. This is the first step to finding a chiropractor that can help treat your pain.
However, back pain isn’t the only health issue that proves you need to see a doctor. There are many more. Read on to learn about four of them.
1. You’re Experiencing Headaches
Are your headaches so intense that they are interfering with your day-to-day life? If so, a chiropractor may be able to help.
Headaches can come from several issues. These can include stress, tiredness, neck and shoulder pain, and more. A chiropractor can’t treat all types of headaches, but they may be able to treat some of them.
How Chiropractors Help
Headaches caused by neck and shoulder pain are a chiropractor’s main target. With a chiropractic alignment, chiropractors can relieve neck and shoulder pain. Once those pains are gone, your headache should disappear as well.
Chiropractors may also be able to relieve other headaches through the nutritional and exercise routines they recommend.
2. You’re Sitting a Lot
Do you sit a lot during the day? No, we’re not here to shame you for this. Many Americans have to sit for hours at their jobs.
Unfortunately, sitting isn’t great for the body. It can cause issues with your posture. This can lead to swellings, misalignments, and other painful conditions.
How Chiropractors Help
Chiropractic alignments can reportedly ease the tension that builds up in your body when you’re sitting too often. These treatments can also prevent more severe problems from happening in the future.
3. Your Shoes Wear Unevenly
Find the shoes that you wear most often. Flip them over and look at the treads. Do the treads of one show look more worn than the other?
Uneven wearing doesn’t happen to people with healthy spines. It only happens in people who have misaligned spines. You may want to get this issue solved, so you need to buy new shoes less often.
A properly aligned spine can also save you from several health issues in the future.
How Chiropractors Help
The right spinal adjustment may straighten out your spine. Depending on the severity, you may have to go in for several appointments. But it may be worth it in the end.
4. You’ve Been in an Accident
You may not have fully healed from the accident you had a few weeks to months back. Accidents such as crashing your car or falling down stairs could’ve caused injuries that you haven’t noticed. These injuries could lead to future health issues.
Even if you don’t feel pain, you should get your back checked out by a chiropractor after you had an accident. They can notice any issues that you may be having. Chiropractors can also help with the injuries that you notice right after an accident.
How They Help
Try to receive chiropractic help as soon as you can after an accident. Chiropractic alignment can reduce pain, reduce inflammation, and restore your range of motion.
But don’t worry if it’s been a few weeks, a few months, etc., since the accident. You can get the help you need now as well.
Chiropractic Care in Fort Lauderdale
As you can see, a chiropractic alignment may be able to help you with a wide variety of health issues. Once you possibly get some help, you’ll see why these services are becoming more and more popular lately.
Also, do you need chiropractic care in Fort Lauderdale, FL? If so, we can help. We use evidence-based chiropractic techniques to figure out and solve many health issues.
Contact us via the form on this page today! We’ll get back to you as soon as possible!