Taking care of your body is important to staying happy and healthy. Sometimes this requires the help of a professional, such as a chiropractor. Chiropractors are great for keeping your body in check. Visiting a Chiropractor in Fort Lauderdale regularly can help your skeletal system, your muscular system, and even your nervous system. Chiropractors can […]
Coast to Coast Featured in Natural Awakenings
Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
The Body and the Brain – Feature in Fort Lauderdale Magazine
Coast to Coast Chiropractic has recently been featured in the Fort Lauderdale Magazine. A Flagler Village chiropractic practice is at the cutting edge of the field. Dr. Dominick J. Ranieri III’s journey towards wellness, the brain and chiropractic medicine started when he was an elite teenage soccer player. He was a goalkeeper, and they can […]
The Benefits of Regular Chiropractic Care
It’s not often that someone will visit a chiropractor unless they have incurred some kind of back injury or find themselves dealing with chronic pain issues. For the most part, it never really occurs to people to treat chiropractic treatments as a health maintenance option. If someone never suffers pain or an injury, it’s very […]
Naturally Reducing Migraine Headaches: How a Chiropractic Can Help
Nobody likes struggling with a headache, and this is especially true if that headache is a full-blown migraine. If you’ve struggled with migraines you probably have tried just about everything there is to keep them away. From heavy prescription drugs with bad side effects to special tea blends and everything in between. There’s a good […]