Taking care of yourself during your pregnancy is exceptionally important. Many people consider good nutrition and lots of rest to be adequate. Often following doctor’s orders is sufficient for a comfortable and happy pregnancy. However, some women may require a bit more care, especially if back issues start to become a problem.
One way to get extra care for your back during your pregnancy is by going to a licensed chiropractor. There are many advantages to Chiropractic care during pregnancy. Pregnancy is hard on a woman’s body. Chiropractic care could make pregnancy easier, or at least a lot less painful. So what can chiropractic care do for you?
Pelvic Positioning
During pregnancy, your pelvis is under a lot of pressure, especially during labor. This is because the baby will be pressing down on the pelvis as it grows, causing extra stress on your pelvis and the surrounding nerves. For some people, this extra pressure can cause severe lower back pain and issues with pelvic alignment.
Pelvic alignment is very important not only for a healthy pregnancy and delivery, but for everyone, men and women alike. Proper pelvic alignment helps us walk correctly and without discomfort. It also helps our nerves work properly without pain or issues. When your alignment is off, you may find that you struggle with pain, not only in your back, but other areas of the body as well.
When you give birth the traditional way, your pelvis will be under exceptional amounts of pressure. Should your pelvis be misaligned, you may have a harder time giving birth than if your pelvis was aligned properly. Think round peg square hole.
Those who have alignment issues may find that labor is more painful and even more difficult than it would have been otherwise. This is because the nerves that run through your pelvis are more likely to become compressed, causing weakness and pain. Your pelvic bones also have to slide properly to allow your baby through. Should they struggle to, your labor may be more intense than it needs to be, and could even lead to an emergency c-section.
By visiting a chiropractor during your pregnancy, you’ll be able to make sure that your pelvis remains in the best possible position. Not only can this help with labor, but it can also help with keeping your lower back to a minimum during your pregnancy and may even help improve your overall pain and discomfort levels as your pregnancy progresses.
The Webster Technique
The Webster Technique is a technique performed to help balance the pelvis and the ligaments which surround it. This technique is performed by a professional chiropractor and may help reduce the risk of having a breech delivery. A breach delivery (feet first) is dangerous to both baby and mama, and should be avoided at all costs. Most breech babies are delivered by c-section to protect the safety of the baby and the mother.
While it is considered normal for a baby to still present breach up until the third trimester, it’s important that the baby get into proper position for a smooth and safe delivery. Approximately 4% of pregnancies result in a breech presentation. This is still dangerous for both mother and infant. To avoid a risky delivery, or a c-section, The Webster Technique may be beneficial to help the baby rotate properly.
Optimized Room
The International Chiropractic Pediatric Association recommends that people visit a chiropractor regularly throughout their pregnancy. There are a variety of benefits to receiving Chiropractic care, and the risks are low. In fact, chiropractic care during pregnancy can even allow the baby to have more room to grow and rotate properly. This is essential for a smooth pregnancy and even more important for a smooth and safe delivery.
Other Benefits
Not only is chiropractic care great for pelvic positioning and reducing the stress of the ligaments and nerves in your pelvis, but it’s also great for many other reasons.
One such benefit is the possibility of reduced nausea. As you probably know, nausea is a common issue for many pregnant women. This is due to a variety of reasons, but primarily from sudden hormone fluctuations. Though nausea is considered normal, if your nerves become compressed, it may cause nausea to last longer than normal. This is because nerves are essential to everything the body does, and when they become compressed or stressed from misalignment, they may fire off in ways that cause pain or unnecessary nausea.
Chiropractic care has been known to help reduce nausea in pregnant women, especially after hormonal nausea ceases. Not only that, but chiropractic care has been known to reduce headaches, back aches, sinus issues, neck pain, and so much more.
Many women experience headaches during pregnancy. Sometimes these too can be attributed to hormones. However, often severe headaches are caused by a physiological response to nerve compression and other spinal issues.
Tension headaches are also a common occurrence in women who are pregnant due to the extra physical stress that’s put on the body. Chiropractic care may help.
Chiropractic care has also shown to help boost energy and lower general pains throughout the body. Being pregnant is hard work, and sometimes we all need a little help. A lot of things about your body will change and shift during pregnancy, causing new pains, new aches, and unexpected issues.
Chiropractic care has been known to help reduce these pains and issues, creating a more comfortable pregnancy.
Is It Safe?
Chiropractic care has been proven to be safe for pregnant women as well as to the fetus. Any risk to baby or mama is exceptionally minimal, and is not any greater for women who are pregnant compared to those who are not.
In fact, many doctors and nurses recommend pregnant women visit a chiropractor during their pregnancy, due to the many benefits.
Chiropractic care helps to ease many uncomfortable aspects of pregnancy. When it comes to pain management, chiropractic care is considered safer than taking pain medication during pregnancy, making it an effective and safe option for pain control and relief.
Overall, chiropractic care is a great option for pregnant women suffering from back pain or nausea. However, it is recommended that you speak with your doctor first before seeing a chiropractor in case there or other ailments or disorders that should be considered.
Chiropractic care has come a long way over the last few decades. It has become a trusted and valued form of main management care for a variety of ailments. This type of care is beneficial for expecting mothers, from helping with pelvic alignment, back pain, and in some cases relieving nausea. Not only are there many benefits to chiropractic care, but it is considered safe and should pose no significant risk to you or your baby.